The flow of evolution amidst the Australian bushfire crisis

Evolutionary change is a continuum of growth and upgrading taking place; shifting into new expressions that are more capable than the previous expression; changing, adapting and transitioning with greater grace, intelligence and harmony with the environment around us. The same creative intelligence that governs Nature, this is not somewhere in the future or past, it’s here, operating now, in all places at all times.

A constant process that can be experienced as beautiful, creative and uplifting, nurturing or nourishing, or full of force, dissolution and destruction. Contained within each moment of the evolutionary journey though, no matter how it looks or feels, is the knowledge and wisdom of what’s happening and what’s needed next.

Unique to this evolutionary phase we’re all moving through, is our growing wakefulness and heightened awareness of the effect our actions have on each other, the planet and wider world we live in, and our growing desire to take more care and responsibility, to act with powerful, heart-led purpose and to create sustainable, positive change, for the benefit not only of ourselves, but all life on Earth and the generations to follow.

To fully upgrade to the next stage, next expansive experience ~ of ourselves and the world ~ however, there’s a requirement to let go of the old; habits, ideas, patterns of behaviour and ways of thinking, engaging and Being in the world that are no longer needed or relevant as we transition gracefully into growth.

May we each let go of even just one thing today ~ be it a negative thought, limiting belief, redundant habit, harmful or unkind action or unsustainable approach to how we live with and of this land ~ to create the space to herald a higher state of consciousness, an expanded experience of reality.

Finally, may the Australian bushfire crisis and accompanying widespread loss, devastation, sadness and pain be the modern milestone to truly effect impactful change, support progressive evolution and inspire ongoing, greater, transformational, understanding, compassion, depth, connection, love and creativity, on a universal scale.

With love always and Jai Guru Deva,